Sunday 17 November 2013

What is graphic design?

The graphic design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. People used to. when they needed to promote something or when they had some massage which they want to be known worldwide, to broadcast it on a radio or by loudspeaker or even tell each people to spread it. It is so much easier to create poster, business logo, a magazine, album cover etc. Great way to communicate between large group of people. That is graphic design. Graphic design does not mean using computer to create something graphical, graphic design can be also designed and crated by hand, how people used to do it.

  Graphic design is part of your daily life. Graphic designer work with photographed, computer-generated,painted,drawn images but they also use a various typefaces found in TV ads or movie credits. They are organize these elements which are chosen, or create them by themselves, work with images. They use so called 'white space' around them to communicate a message. You just need to look at first thing at your surrounding and you will find graphic design. It is at your tee cups, t-shirts, books, cake boxes etc. From that small things graphic design can also be found at billboards, cars, buildings etc. Graphic design informs, persuades, organizes, stimulates, locates, identifies, attracts attention and provides pleasure. It is creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas. Designer's job is to work with variety of communication tools in order to convey a message from a client to a particular audience. Main tools are image and typography. There are some examples of classic graphic design:

Elements of graphic design are:
-Shapes are endless possibilities for designer to play with a variety of spaces. It can be created from nothing and they are used to support text and other contents.
-Lines are there for us so we can follow design precisely,  or to divide a space or separate content in a layout.
-Colour is the most important thing in graphic design, It divides one brand from another and makes such a variety of designs all around the world.
- Type is there to add power to the audience with who you are trying to communicate,
-Texture gives depth to the design.


What is Graphic Design?. 2013. What is Graphic Design?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 November 2013].

 AIGA | What is graphic design? . 2013. AIGA | What is graphic design? . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 November 2013].

1 comment:

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