Saturday 18 January 2014


Credits:Sarah Hyndman, Type Tasting,
Punk was movement of the 70's and it was a street culture movement, affected everything from music to fashion. Started in England and the USA. Member had an aggressive visual appearance.
When Punk first exploded it looked like youthful rebellion, but in actuality it was part of the Postmodernism movement which began as a reaction to the rigid restrictions of Modernism.
Everything begins were the Sex Pistols played their first gig in 1975 with their outrageous behavior and contempt for established conventions. They had DIY ethos and innovative, home made style which was revolutionary at the time and launched a new era in music, fashion and design. The Fanzine's anarchistic qualities are similar to Dada, however the home made quality of the posters made it different.


Their music style was very good represented by and anarchist and art student Jamie Reid. They were collaged ''random note'' typography. Designers of that time had to commission a typesetter to create the type and they wouldn't see what it looked until it came back finished. All of the posters had cutted letters from the magazines, collaged together to look like photographed. Trying a new fonts and seeing result immediately. In those posters are mainly all grids broken.

 The work of Reid, and his DIY style was considered shocking but the influence on design was major and reaching every moment. Elsewhere Postmodernism was taking the form of the New Wave Design which was major in Switzerland by Wolfgang Weingard and in Holland by Gert Dumbar. The arrival of the Apple Mac at that time gave the opportunity to designers to access to typefaces and to start the polemic about the new so called ''ugly'' design. The designers of that time were Malcom Garett, Peter SAville, Barney Bubbles, Russell Mills and Jamie Reid. After this rebellious and anarchistic movement everything was changed, traditional norms were challenged.

How Punk changed Graphic Design | Type Tasting. 2014. How Punk changed Graphic Design | Type Tasting. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 January 2014].

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