Wednesday 5 March 2014

Stefan Sagmeister 1

He is an artist which work similar to his own you have never seen before. Most of his designs are provocative and unorthodox which is strange thing for the whole graphic design scene. Through his life he studied and learned graphic design well, and began to apply his knowledge about it in one Austrian  youth magazine. Later on he created his own company named by himself. How the time has passed his company was developing and start being famous. Some of their clients were: Rolling Stones, Time Warner, Guggenheim Museum, HBO, etc.
 Through developing himself as an artist and his company as well, he was collaborating with a lot of important people, and he has several books behind him, a lot of exhibitions in Vienna, Zurich, New York, Berlin, Osaka, Prague, Cologne, and Seoul.

In his company they have one new standing rule; every seven years they are taking a one year break and going to some inspirational places to create something new and innovative.
What i like the most about him is that his work is completely outstanding and optimistic. He proves that at this time people can still be innovative with things they already know. He presents a lot of familiar stuff to his audience but somehow through smallest details he is making them new and still interesting that people don't get bored. His sense of humour no fear of anything, breaking the bounders, details and innovations is making him and his designs what they are today.

Stefan Sagmeister | Designers & Books. 2014. Stefan Sagmeister | Designers & Books. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 6 March 2014].

AIGA | Stefan Sagmeister . 2014. AIGA | Stefan Sagmeister . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 6 March 2014].

Stefan Sagmeister | Profile on 2014. Stefan Sagmeister | Profile on [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 6 March 2014].

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