Weingard through his life experimented a lot with typography. At first he went to the abstract type patterns almost to the absurd. Later on when he developed his style his typography came out tangible esthetic. He was master at layering type of tinted panels. He was respecting and keep it to the rules of Swiss typography, but he wanted to experiment with something new. The only way for him to break the rules was to know them.

AIGA | Wolfgang Weingart . 2014. AIGA | Wolfgang Weingart . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.aiga.org/medalist-wolfgang-weingart/. [Accessed 8 March 2014].
Wolfgang Weingart. 2014. Wolfgang Weingart. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www2.palomar.edu/users/gkelley/Weingart.html. [Accessed 8 March 2014].
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